Anyone interested in putting their banner up here? Email me! I'll put it up for a month or so. For free! I wouldn't doubt that you'd get more hits.
All Pages Last Updated: June 11th, 1998

This is a mirror site! The main site is at
Other Starlets
June 11th, 1998

More Pics added! Yay! Check 'em out. No big news today, except that I've got a hold of like 6 more MB of space. My mirror provider changed the space from 5 to 11 MB. Good news.

Other LOWWWHQ News

B. Zalewski

If you want to take a banner for my page, take this one free!
Link it to! Not!
Larisa Oleynik WWW Headquarters


This page isn't run by Larisa, herself. I'm not Larisa.I have been getting email from people thinking I am Larisa. I know you would like to think that and have your hopes up, but sorry. I'm not her, don't email me thinking I am! NO, I have no nudes of Larisa! And I don't know why I would. She's only 16! Some pervert out there mailed me a supposed "nude pic" of Larisa. I'm going to say this for the 113.6th time,IT'S NOT HER!

This page is not authorized nor run by Larisa Oleynik. This page has nothing to do with pHantasy BBS or the like. They just provide me with bandwith. Pages and text within are copyrighted(©)1997-98 by Z-Web Designs. All other pictures and trademarks are property of the written company.